RREINE International LLC has issued Revenue Sharing Notes on NetGreen.com seeking to raise between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000 by March 31, 2025. This investment will be used to develop a regenerative cattle ranch in Bahia, Brazil. The ranch will be utilizing ago-forestry techniques, sustainable land management, and innovative technologies to restore the local ecosystem and set the example for other ranches.
Please visit the Investment Offering page at NetGreen.com (https://www.netgreen.com/offering/a36a8001-ee34-48fa-a6ee-b12976f8bc52) and review the Form C Disclosure Document, attached Exhibits, and management's provided materials. You may contact the Issuer directly using the Comments section of the Offering page or contact email provided within the Form C Disclosure. Please watch the Project Overview Video provided by the Issuer (Facebook link: https://fb.watch/sNYh8TS7cM/) in addition to reviewing the Offering page and accompanying documents.
This Investment Offering is listed under Rule 506(c) by NetGreen Capital Investments LLC. You must create an account on NetGreen.com using the "Sign Up" button and attest to Accredited Investor status on your "Portfolio" page prior to investing in this Offering. See our FAQ page under Resources for additional information regarding Accredited Investor status.
This information can also be found in our Education Materials (https://www.netgreen.com/education) and the Offering's Investment Agreement.
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