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R-CALF USA Convention to Highlight Globalization Effort Targeting Farmers

BILLINGS, Mont. | Among the many critical issues slated for discussion at the 24th annual R-CALF USA Convention and Trade Show, to be held Aug. 17-18 in Rapid City, South Dakota, is the ongoing globalization effort to control the food supply and those who produce it.

To emphasize the importance of this issue, the ranch group has invited Dutch farmers’ advocate and internationally renowned political commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek of Amsterdam, Netherlands, to give the keynote address.

Vlaardingerbroek is well-known worldwide as one of the key voices advocating for farmers and fighting against globalization and the eradication of freedom.

“Vlaardingerbroek’s invitation came after she helped incite change in her home country following years of farmer demonstrations against unreasonable environmental policies that would cause many Dutch farmers to go out of business,” said R-CALF USA Marketing Director Jaiden Moreland. “These actions were heard around the world, as thousands of Dutch farmers drove tractors to the nation's capital in protest.”

In July 2022, R-CALF USA spoke out as a prominent U.S. cattle association supporting the Dutch farmers and their protests.

“Our governments have grown too big, our corporations have grown too big, now to a global scale,” said R-CALF USA President Brett Kenzy. “Public-private partnerships, global governance, borderless nations and free trade are realities that seek to eliminate the American middle class.

"Eva has seen these realities in action in the Netherlands and has been both an objective journalist and activist on behalf of the Dutch farmers and Dutch people,” he continued. "I hope to ask Eva one question: What motivated so many Dutch farmers to take it upon themselves to leave their farms and their work and fight for their way of life - to realize that each and every citizen has an individual role to play in shaping a nation’s future?"

Kenzy explained that R-CALF USA has long been fighting these issues.

The convention will also feature Wyoming rancher and attorney Tracy Hunt’s presentation on the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, a group that enlists global banks, global beef packers, and global retailers to devise and then impose universal production standards and production requirements on animal husbandry around the world.

Hunt is a nationally recognized critic of the GRSB and has been urging the United States to fight against the globalists’ advances for many years. He and Vlaardingerbroek agree, the Netherlands is just the start.

“Make no mistake, these mandates are an extension of the efforts of the GRSB,” said Hunt. “After the U.S., the Netherlands is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world. It is ground zero for this global agenda as their government issued mandates to cut nitrogen emissions, placing the blame of climate change on the shoulders of farmers.”

“Farmers around the world are facing an immediate threat to their livelihoods, liberty and independence,” said Kenzy. “It’s coming to our door, America’s farmers and ranchers are on the same road, which is why we are bringing Eva’s voice to our convention.”

Learn more about the event at:

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Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) is the largest producer-only lobbying and trade association representing U.S. cattle producers. It is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle and sheep industries. Visit or call (406) 252-2516 for more information.


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