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MSGA Rejects BLM’s Final Decision Regarding APR Grazing Allotments

Yesterday, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a final grazing decision on an American Prairie Reserve proposal to convert seven BLM grazing allotments for bison grazing in Phillips County, Montana.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and the Public Lands Council (PLC) are deeply disappointed in the BLM’s decision to ignore meaningful input from local ranchers and the concerns of affected grazing permittees.

Below is a statement attributable to Kaitlynn Glover, Executive Director of PLC and NCBA Natural Resources:

“PLC and NCBA joins Montana ranchers in their concern over the BLM’s decision to ignore established precedent and the expertise of grazing permittees in the conversion of these allotments. At a time where the BLM has repeatedly committed to being a good partner with ranchers to improve rangeland health, this decision is a significant step backwards. The conversion of these allotments flouts administrative process and will result in negative impacts for both rangeland health and the local community,” said Public Lands Council and NCBA Natural Resources Executive Director Kaitlynn Glover.


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