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Election Season is Upon Us, How Should We Prepare?

In this week's North American Ag Spotlight Chrissy Wozniak discusses political strategy with Executive Director of the Institute for Sound Public Policy, Kevin Lynn. Kevin was raised on a small farm in Pennsylvania and is committed to the preservation of farmlands. But what’s most interesting is his response when asked where he stands politically, his typical response is he considers himself a lapsed Republican, an unrepentant Perotist, a failed Green, and frustrated Democrat. He is an astute observer of the hijinks being played not only on both sides of the political aisle but also with numerous NGO and activist groups across the US.

Today we discuss how he got to this place, and how he looks at the myriad of issues that agriculture and essentially – the nation – is facing. And also how to navigate the issues to prepare yourself for election season which lays dead ahead.

The Institute for Sound Public Policy is an umbrella group that includes, among others, US Tech Workers, Doctors without Jobs, and Project for Immigration Reform. The Institute for Sound Public Policy is an organization with a reputation for fixing big problems through advocacy and activism. Not a think tank, rather partners with public and private nonprofit entities and community activists to formulate and implement sound policy at federal, state and local levels of government.

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