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Defund the Bureau of Land Management National Monument Planners

Pocatello, ID | BlueRibbon Coalition filed its notice of appeal in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in its challenge to President Biden’s expansions of the Grand Staircase Escalante and Bears Ears National Monuments. We were disappointed that the District Court in Utah dismissed our case, but we always understood that challenge of this nature might require judicial review up to the level of the Supreme Court.

We were reminded last week why the challenge to abuse of the Antiquities Act is so important as we reviewed the latest draft of the proposed Monument Management Plan that was released for Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. If you’re someone who enjoys accessing public land for recreation or any other reason, there is nothing good in this plan.

Support Withholding Funds for National Monument Abuse Presidents of the United States have been abusing the Antiquities Act for far too long. The Bureau of Land Managment is currently in the process to update the Resource Management Plans for National Monuments that President Biden expanded. Those monument designations are under litigation currently by BlueRibbon Coalition and the state of Utah. Sign this petition if you agree that Congress shouldn't fund the development of Monument Management Plans until the legal challenges are resolved.

Kootenai Over Snow Vehicle Plan

The Kootenai National Forests is accepting public comment on the Kootenai Over Snow Vehicle (OSV) plan. Comments are accepted through August 21, 2023. The USFS is starting this planning process to comply with federal regulations requiring a travel management plan across all forests including for over snow vehicles. The Forest Service is also undergoing OSV planning in the Kaniksu National Forest. Please add your voice to this process!

Help Us Keep the Owyhee Canyons in Idaho Open

Western Idaho is undergoing travel management, which designates routes in the area of Canyonlands East in Owyhee County. This is the Fossil Butte and Grandview areas. The project area is 815, 677 acres. Known for off roading, single track, camping and access to rivers and lakes, the BLM is analyzing the majority of the routes in this area.

246.3 Miles of Route Closures in Southern Arizona, Middle Gila

The BLM in the Tuscon Field Office has released the Middle Gila Environmental Assessment which analyzes four different alternatives.

Comments are due August 31, 2023 BRC and our members engaged in scoping in early 2023. During this first step in the process, there were originally 725 miles of routes documented within the travel area that the BLM was considering whether to formally adopt into the trail system or not. These routes have been around for years, have a history of use and are used by many different interests and groups. The BLM has now identified 733 miles which should all should be formally recognized as motorized routes and the BLM should be considering more routes in order to show a range of alternatives to comply with NEPA. Unfortunately, the BLM is proposing various levels of closures.



Last week, President Biden abused his Antiquities Act authority to create 1 million acre national monument in Arizona called the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument. This 30x30 land grab will lock the American people out from enjoying the benefits of these public lands. In this episode we discuss the problems with this monument, we discuss our legal challenge to the continued abuse of the Antiquities Act, and we share examples of how National Monuments are terrible for the lands they are allegedly created to protect. Help us oppose this national monument and abuse of the Antiquities Act:



LIMITED TIME ONLY! We ordered a small amount of these limited edition Save Moab stickers! Become a $5 member of BlueRibbon Coalition today and receive a free Save Moab Limited Edition sticker! BLM is scheduled to make their decision on the Gemini Bridges / Labyrinth Rim area of Moab on September 30, become a member and help us continue to fight for Moab's trails!



The BlueRibbon Coalition is excited to announce that the following groups have recently joined or renewed their membership: Crooked River Ranch ATV Club Factory Pipe LLC Hale’s Repair Shop Kurk Concrete M & S Sales & Service INC Sawtooth Rehab PLLC

As passionate recreation enthusiasts, these clubs and businesses understand the importance of fighting for and protecting our public lands and trails for future generations to enjoy. By renewing their support, they are helping to ensure that the BlueRibbon Coalition can continue to advocate for responsible access to our public lands. We are grateful for their ongoing commitment to our mission and look forward to working together to keep the trails open and accessible for all.

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