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American Agri-Women hosts Feb. 24th Webinar: “A Secure Food Supply Equals National Security”

Hart, Texas (AgPR) | American Agri-Women (AAW) has scheduled experts to shed light on issues facing landowners and those in agriculture across the country. The organization will host “A Secure Food Supply Equals National Security” webinar on February 24th. AAW President Heather Hampton+Knodle said the event is responding to member concerns, “We’ve had members from around the country asking how to evaluate renewable energy lease proposals for property they own or rent. Other members expressed concerns about farmland being taken out of production or impacted by projects driven by other nations. They’ve also seen changing markets for the products they raise as sectors of our food supply shift in ownership. Each speaker on the webinar will provide a different perspective and expertise to help answer participant’s questions. Featured speakers include Dr. Donald Maier, Associate Professor of Practice – Supply Chain Logistics at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Christopher Holton, Senior Analyst and Director of State Outreach for the Center for Security Policy; and Attorney Terri Griffiths, author of a resolution in support of protecting U.S. agricultural land and food supply chain which will be referenced during the webinar. While the event was organized to address concerns raised by AAW members, it is open to others interested in learning more about the changing dynamics impacting land use and our food supply. Participants who log in at 1:30 p.m. central time can expect information on a broad array of issues surrounding the security, use and ownership of our U.S. food supply chain from land and inputs through processing and distribution. Topics will include foreign direct investment in U.S. land, energy and food systems; securing needed inputs from overseas; what landowners need to know when approached about wind, solar and other ‘green energy’ leases or projects. Register by February 22nd at the website or About American Agri-Women American Agri-Women (AAW) is the nation's largest coalition of women in farming, ranching and agribusiness with members in 42 states. It promotes the welfare of our national security through a safe and reliable food, fiber and energy supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers, advocate for agriculture, and offer networking and professional development opportunities. Go to the AAW web site for more information and to join, Find AAW on social media at:, (@Women4Ag) and (@americanagriwomen. #standupspeakout4ag

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Media Contact: Laura Hart VP, Communications American Agri-Women 806-647-5911 - mobile

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